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840 Middle Management Situational Exercise Coaching

The Middle Management Situational Exercise, or MMSE 840, is used by the federal government in promotion and hiring competitions. It is intended to assess “general ability to manage” through the testing of Key Leadership Competencies at the manager level. Fundamentally a multiple-choice in-basket test, the MMSE 840 makes it faster and cheaper for the government to evaluate people than by using written in-baskets scored by hired markers, or lengthy simulations requiring assessment boards to interact with candidates face-to-face.

The MMSE 840 is a complex exercise centred on a fictitious organization. Background corporate details are provided to candidates at the test along with incoming items on which multiple-choice questions are based.

The government outline on the MMSE 840 is vague, clarification is not provided on test-day, and details from previous candidates tend to be sketchy and are often misguided. These obstacles—combined with being placed in a new corporate world, and working in unfamiliar surroundings driven by the clock to answer questions—make candidates unsure about how to prepare, and can impede performance.

To address common concerns and prepare you fully for your MMSE 840, our coaching and materials provide: a useful understanding of competency-based assessment methods and underlying principles, guidance on breaking down the corporate materials and problems you must handle, an explanation of your role, level and responsibilities, techniques to save you time during the test, and sample scenarios and questions—all of which increase your score.

Personal Coaching Program

The 4.5 hour consultation—preceded by a review of your competition application to determine strengths and weaknesses for the MMSE 840—is either an in-person or telephone session covering every step of the multifaceted exercise. You will receive:

  • An explanation of the underlying purpose, ethos, format and competency-based evaluation methods that you need to know to approach the exercise properly
  • Instruction on how to deconstruct, digest and use—quickly and effectively—the corporate materials you are given
  • Examples of mnemonics you can reproduce at the exercise to help you stay focused and carry out your assigned role properly
  • Sample scenarios and questions, plus homework, to guide your selection of answers of different types, involving either one- or two-step process actions, or stakeholder choices
  • Key reminders to help avoid pitfalls when you are preparing for and doing the test

Who Can Benefit from Our Coaching?

Clients we coach in our Middle Management Situational Exercise preparation have included first-time and previously unsuccessful candidates competing for individual positions or qualifying pools in federal departments and agencies in Ottawa and across Canada. All client information is kept confidential.

We receive referrals from current and retired government managers and executives familiar with our work, and from past clients who have used our services. Our success rate in helping individuals for the MMSE 840 is over 70%, which far exceeds the general pass rate on the exercise.

Why Use Our Services?

We are the only career coaching firm that specializes in helping candidates understand and advance in government, multilateral organization and international NGO hiring and promotion competitions—from entry level to executive level.

No service offered by government, universities or the private sector—past or present, in North America or abroad—matches our expertise or placement record over the past 25+ years. The success rate of our clients in institutional hiring and promotion processes attests to the high quality training we provide. Please take the time to read the testimonials sent to us by clients and supporters displayed under Client & Supporter Comments [click here].

For additional information on what we do and why we know how to help you, see our List of Standard Programs and Services [click here], About Us [click here], and the Profile of Our Director [click here].


One-on-one coaching and materials, in person or by telephone:

  • In Canada $625 Cdn + applicable taxes
  • From outside Canada $625 Cdn, no taxes

Long distance coaching is carried out only on calls placed by clients. Times can be arranged to take advantage of discounted rates and of client availability in various Canadian and international time zones.

Further Information

Please Contact Us [click here] to set up a telephone appointment to discuss in person your needs and how we can help you.




HomeAbout Us & Client OrganizationsList of Standard Programs & ServicesPSEE Study MaterialsPSEE Test Tutoring
How Tests, Interviews & Other Exercise WorkHow to Register, Hiring Process, Common QuestionsSJT, WCPT, WCT, GCT2 Study Materials
SJT, WCPT & WCT Test Tutoring Entry-level to EX-Minus II Level Applications and InterviewsEX-Minus I and EX-01 Applications and Interviews
Video Online InterviewsSELEX Preparation SIL Simulation 861 and 862 Senior Manager Simulations840 Middle Management Situational Exercise
• In-Basket Tests: 810 Managerial, 820 Middle Manager • 757 and 758 Middle Manager and Program Advisor Simulations • 445 Team Leader Simulation
• 428 Supervisor Simulation • 410 HR Consultant Simulation Candidate Achievement Record (CAR) CoachingWritten Exams Coaching
Recruitment of Policy Leaders (RPL) Policy Officer Recruitment Program (PORP) Advanced Policy Analyst Program (APAP)
Government Application & Resumé CoachingPresentation Skills Reference Selection and Coaching
Debriefing re Test, In-Basket, Simulation, Interview Results • Client & Supporter Comments • Contact Us Links Place Order/Remit Payment