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Canadian Food Inspection Agency Inspector Simulation (SEI)

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) uses the day-long Simulation Exercise for Inspectors for officer-level staff in promotion competitions. Among the many types of similar federal government exercises, the Simulation for Inspectors (SEI) has the most components—four—and takes the longest time to complete.

The SEI is based on a fictitious organization for which background corporate details are provided to candidates along with numerous problem situations. Over the day several tasks must be done: a comprehensive report on how you would handle the items you receive, a question and answer session with the interview board, a role-play you act out with one the assessors, and a summary of the role-play activities and outcome to test candidate writing skills - substance, style and mechanics.

The CFIA on-line overview of the simulation is vague despite its length, and is little help to candidates in focusing only on the “what” rather the “how” to do the exercise. Clarifying information is not provided on test-day, and the competency-based evaluation method used by government is never explained clearly despite the fact that success depends on understanding it. These obstacles—combined with being placed in a new corporate world and working in unfamiliar surroundings driven by the clock—make candidates unsure about how to prepare and can impede performance.

To address common concerns and prepare you fully, our coaching and materials provide: insights to understand competency-based assessment; underlying principles and values you need to know to increase your score; guidance in breaking down the volume of materials and problems you handle; and templates to produce timely written outputs, well-structured answers, and role-play behaviours that reflect your assigned role, level and responsibilities.

Personal Coaching Program

The 5-hour consultation—preceded by our review of your application to determine strengths and weaknesses for the SEI—includes two face-to-face or telephone sessions covering every step of this multifaceted simulation. You will receive:

  • An explanation of the simulation’s underlying purpose, ethos and competency structuring to approach test-day in an informed way
  • Instruction on how to deconstruct, digest and use—quickly and effectively—the envelopes of materials you get at the simulation
  • Examples of mnemonics you can remember and use throughout the simulation to bolster your candidacy
  • Easy-to-apply formulas and tools to carry out the four written and oral components of the exercise
  • Proven tips to professionalize your delivery and help avoid pitfalls when you are in front of the assessment board in the Q & A and role play
  • Answers to specific concerns you have about any aspect of your simulation

Who Can Benefit from our Coaching?

Clients we coach for the CFIA Simulation for Inspectors have included first-time and previously unsuccessful candidates competing for individual positions or qualifying pools across Canada. All client information is kept confidential.

We receive referrals from current and retired government managers and executives familiar with our work, and from past clients who have used our services. Our success rate in helping individuals for simulations is 70%, which far exceeds the general pass rate of about 20% in these types of competition.

Why Use Our Services?

We are the only career coaching firm that specializes in helping candidates understand and advance in government, multilateral organization and international NGO hiring and promotion competitions—from entry level to executive level.

No service offered by government, universities or the private sector—past or present, in North America or abroad—matches our expertise or placement record over the past 25 years. The success rate of our clients in institutional hiring and promotion processes attests to the high quality training we provide. Please take the time to read the testimonials sent to us by clients and supporters displayed under Client & Supporter Comments [click here].

For additional information on what we do and why we know how to help you, see our List of Standard Programs and Services [click here], About Us [click here], and the Profile of Our Director [click here].


One-on-one coaching and materials, in person or by telephone:

  • $750 Cdn + applicable taxes

Long distance coaching is carried out only on calls placed by clients. Times can be arranged to take advantage of discounted rates and of client availability in various Canadian time zones.

Further Information

Please Contact Us [click here] by email to set up a telephone appointment to discuss in person your needs and how we can help you.












HomeAbout UsList of Standard Programs & ServicesPSEE Study MaterialsHow Tests, Interviews & Other Exercise Work
How to Register, Hiring Process, Common QuestionsSJT, WCPT, WCT, GCT2 Study MaterialsSJT, WCPT & WCT Test Tutoring
Statement of InterestEntry-level to EX-Minus II Level Applications and InterviewsEX-Minus I and EX-01 Applications and InterviewsSELEX PreparationSIL Simulation
861 and 862 Senior Manager Simulations840 Middle Management Situational Exercise • In-Basket Tests: 810 Managerial, 820 Middle Manager
• 757 and 758 Middle Manager and Program Advisor Simulations • 428 Supervisor Simulation • 410 HR Consultant Simulation
CFIA Inspector Simulation (SEI)Written Exams CoachingRecruitment of Policy Leaders (RPL) Advanced Policy Analyst Program (APAP)
• Applications for Professional PositionsGovernment/International Organization Cover Letter & ResuméPresentation Skills Reference Selection and Coaching
Debriefing re Test, In-Basket, Simulation, Interview Results • Client & Supporter Comments • WorkshopsContact UsLinks Place Order/Remit Payment